Let’s Relax Spa celebrates its 25th anniversary in collaboration with the College of Music, Mahidol University, creating new experiences for customers under the theme “Unbounded Senses of Relaxation.”

Let’s Relax Spa focuses on crafting new experiences for customers under the theme “Unbounded Senses of Relaxation,” with a particular emphasis on the sense of hearing. This aspect is considered a key element in providing relaxation to customers during their service. Let’s Relax Spa has partnered with the College of Music, Mahidol University, a leading institution in music education accredited by MusiQuE for its outstanding musical standards. The collaboration incorporates musical analysis into the playlist of Let’s Relax Spa, specifically arranging notes for various musical instruments, including piano, strings, and guitar, with harmonious melodies that align seamlessly. This is achieved through five metrics, namely Tempo, Melodic Line, Harmonic Structure, Instrumental, and Other Elements. The objective is to enhance relaxation, happiness, tranquility, and the overall sense of relaxation while receiving spa services.